b. 1992 - born and raised on the northwest side of Chicago on a “make believe” street—Lovejoy.
I have been always attracted to the weird and overlooked. Through my analog photographic practice I seek out the whimsical and least noticed in everyday scenes. In my portraiture, I desire for all my subjects look great, in focus, and well composed. I hold an extensive knowledge of 35mm, medium, large format, and other niche analog film formats including half-frame, panoramic, and sub-miniature/110 film during my years working with a film camera technician. I believe everyone should experience the magic of film. Whether it be with a disposable 35mm, Canon/Nikon/Pentax/Olympus letter-number-something or a thrift store Polaroid 600.
My digital practice has allowed me to explore a wide range of subject matter.
I specialize in event photography; where I can slip through the scenes unnoticed, always snapping away. I shoot primarily with Canon equipment but have experience using many other notable brands. I have a wide range of experience with digital printing, scanning, equipment troubleshooting, and general camera maintenance.
I am open to collaborations, commissions, and conversations over coffee.